Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We had an absolutely wonderful Halloween this year. The weather was perfect. Perfectly fall like. I think the kids had a lot of fun. Tanner really figured out the candy part of it this year, and Korah Grace just liked to smile and be outside since the weather was so perfect. This is the Halloween party at the library. That's Korah Grace sitting on miss Amber's lap.

All of the kids at the party, except for Tanner. He was too busy playing with the games and other activities they had for the kids.

He had taken his costume off since it was so bulky. He could hardly move in it, the poor kid.

We decided to make cake balls for our neighbors(thanks bakerella). Tanner was such a good helper. I think he liked it, what do you think?

Oh, goodness that does look yummy!!!

The city put on a trunk or treat at the local park. Did I mention we had been having perfect weather? Tanner really did have a costume. Korah Grace's shirt said "mommies little pumpkin". Thanks Jenny.

We couldn't of planned for nicer weather.

Tanner was actually explaining to her how to drive this. He told her, "Korah Grace when you get big, you get to ride this all by yourself".

Tanner loves fire trucks, just like most little boys do. Whenever we see one he turns on his "siren". One day while we were driving, one passed us. Since he didn't "turn on his siren" I tried to prompt him:

me: "Tanner, what does a fire truck do?"
him: "They get kitties out of trees down."

Oh yes, of course.

See, I told you that Tanner had a costume. Halloween was actually over when I realized that I didn't have any pics of him actually wearing it. He did wear it while Trick or Treating though. He wanted to be a robot. Occasionally he would add something else in but, always went back to a robot. I did have the legs for him as well but, for these pics I was lucky to get the costume on him.

These pics are on our swing next to the creek.

The weather had been so perfect this year. Did I mention that?


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